20.20 Forum, a space to reflect on the most pressing problems of society and education: Graue

20.20 Forum, a space to reflect on the most pressing problems of society and education: Graue

• Ideas and proposals for designing and building the future will emerge, as emphasized by the President of UNAM

• Dionisio Med García de Leon emphasized that the starting point is respect for science and scholars, independence and academic freedom, as well as recognition of the transcendental role of universities

“Since its conception and design, as well as throughout the eight years of its realization, he has discussed and contemplated the advancement of knowledge to address the most pressing and complex problems facing society and education,” he asserted in his letter.

He added that the forum, which is organized by the UNAM Foundation and various university entities, has become a space for analysis, dialogue and exchange of ideas and information, which is essential for our university and for many academia in the country.

This edition will reflect assessment of and outstanding successes in education at all levels; Ghraoui Witchers added that the conditions of our public health systems, and the enormous challenges to ensuring sustainability.

As well as in relation to the development of national and regional policies and strategies necessary for social development; As well as designing measures to guarantee access rights to culture. “All of these issues are absolutely necessary to be able to design and materialize our future,” he stressed.

University President Grau Witchers stressed that the Forum will generate ideas and proposals for designing and building the future.

Speaking, UNAM Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dionisio Med García de Leon, agreed that the Forum – which included distinguished university students such as Nobel Laureate, Mario Molina – is a space to reflect on the issues that our country and this House of Studies are facing.

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In the lecture hall of the UNU Postgraduate Unit, he expressed his happiness that this course was being held in person, as the past two years had to be conducted remotely due to the pandemic, which made us rethink how we approach the future.

In 2020, the Forum is devoted to “Pandemic Lessons” and in 2021 to “The New Post-Pandemic Reality”; Presentations focused on reflecting on how this health emergency could be dealt with, and how levels of educational excellence could be maintained at the university; And how to protect the population to avoid infection. In this way, programs such as “donating a tablet” were designed, as well as providing protective equipment for residents and nurses.

In this edition, Meade, together with the university authorities, proposes to analyze the design of the future, realizing that the world is no longer the same and that there are new challenges being faced.

“The starting point is respect for science and scientists whose important role has been proven. For this reason, universities are tolerant of all their contributions and fully respect academic autonomy and freedom, which are the foundations of higher education and scientific research.

The inauguration was attended by the Coordinator of the Academic Council of the Physical, Mathematical and Engineering Sciences District, Demetrio Fabian García Nositi. Coordinator of the Academic Council for the Field of Biological, Chemical and Health Sciences, Javier Nieto Gutierrez; and Coordinator of the Academic Council for the Social Sciences District, Leticia Cano Soriano.

In addition to the Coordinator of the Academic Council for the Humanities and Arts District, Adalberto Enrique Santana Hernandez; and High School Academic Council Coordinator, Alma Angelica Martinez Perez.

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