1000 foreign buyers are looking for business in the country | Finance | Economie

ProColombia State Promotion Agency Opened Monday 90th Edition of Business Roundtable Which takes place since yesterday and continues until the first of next April. Buyers from over 50 countries are part of this designation of agreements.

(ProColombia opens the 90th Edition of the Business Roundtable.)

“It would be an ideal scenario to prove to the world once again that Colombia is a reliable supplier that provides quality and added value, and that it stands out in the region because it economic recovery It is already in a stage of growth thanks to the collective action of the government with the businessmen”said Flavia Santoro, president of ProColombia.

Big business for the second day takes place in the Plaza Mayor in Medellin, while in the Valle del Pacifico event center in Cali it will be from March 31 and April 1, and in the following days, from April 4 and 5. In the same month, meetings will take place approx.

(For “rounding off,” Colombia has 61 deals worth $1,072 million.)

“With what we are going to achieve in Medellin and Cali, we will definitely cross $1.6 billion when all the macro rounds are added,” Santoro said during the press conference.
Today, a partial publication of the results of the first day will be presented in the capital of Antioquia.

The 12,000+ business meetings anticipated at ProColombia’s Business Roundtable 90 will bring together the Colombian supply of non-mining energy goods and services from nearly 2,000 companies from 24 departments and The interest of nearly 1,000 companies from more than 50 countries, with the United States being the guest country.

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With 596 companies, Cundinamarca (596) and Antioquia with 481, are the two regions most represented in the country in business fair.

It is followed by Valle del Cauca (381), Santander (121), Atlantico (112), Caldas (77), Risaralda (71), Norte de Santander (51) and Quindio (46).

As for buyers, the United States (221), Ecuador (89), Mexico (73), Dominican Republic (71), Guatemala (55), Peru (52), Chile (50), and Canada (44), top the list. List of countries with greater participation.

Among the list of foreign buyers, companies such as Toyota (Japan), Goya (Spain) and The Home Depot (Mexico) stand out. On the European side, there will be Elegance (Greece), Ideal Tarim (Turkey), Gabriel Épicerie Fine (France) and Coffee Roasters (UK).


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